Facebook Luminous Halo

Does above recall your memory?
If you're same age or generation with me, I believe screen shot above is no stranger to you, especially to guys. Look at one more screen shot...

It's a popular game in the earlier generation of game console, commonly known as Micro Genius 小天才 in BullehLand. One of my favorite games beside Mario Bros series. If you were like me, you may recall the widely known cheat code of this game, ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A START to gain unlimited life (or was it from 3 lives to 30?). With that, I could finish the whole game. And I was sorta "expert" of this game in one of the shopping malls, Great Wall near my primary school till my dad caught me playing games over there and I got delicious spicy rotanss on my butt for few days. Yeah, I was a truant and he was damn upset with it. Hmmm... Dad, you're just over conscious, weren't you? At the end I still scored full distinction in my UPSR. ;)
Now, the cheat code is alive! You can now use the cheat code in Facebook! No Contra game in FB but you can use it! It won't gain you unlimited life but you can see some miracle halos over the FB page whenever you type and wherever you click. Check it out in ZDNET by Zack Whittaker for how to. You can also see a live video of the effect here...
Cool huh? It's exactly the same cheat code used in Contra! May be the FB developer was one of the fans of Contra game too! LoL.
I only managed to do it using Google Chrome, not in IE (returned some script error). In Firefox 3.5.5, you may not be able to try the code due to a Quick Find bar...

The bar appears when you type B A in the cheat code. Go to Tools - Options - Advanced - General to deselect "search for text when I start typing" option...

Try it out now. Happy FBing!
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