Finally He Followed Me
Exactly 1 year! I did my best to chase after him and follow him closely. Almost gave up, and finally I got him followed me back!
Err... Sound like I'm a gay~ I followed him and he followed me?! Hmmm...
My story with him started with this and then a year ago I finally followed him. Surfing through the stable excellent EDGE I evaluated, I was eagerly waiting the promised DiGi 3G services. I was disappointed when DiGi announced its broadband. I inquired but was told I could not subscribe to this service with my phone, it must be a different SIM card. Mobile or wireless broadband on an USB dongle is not my preference, why should I buy and carry an extra device when my Jack Bond phone can function the same? Plus, I can connect with bluetooth and my phone can never enjoy the 3G service with the USB dongle.
Few of my friends are on Celcom 3G and have been everyday persuading me to switch over to Celcom. 3 days ago I gave myself a last hope whether to follow friends or still follow him, I surfed to DiGi website and was attracted by this...

Not the familiar broadband service logo that I've seen many times...

I clicked on it to discover more...

Yoohoo! This is what I have waited for 10 months!! Be calm, let's check on the price...

Damn! It's even cheaper than my current EDGE unlimited package of RM66 per month! There's also a comparison chart with other ISPs that I intended to join one of them. I got excited but typical me, I calmed myself and studied through the FAQ and T&C. 2 hours later right after work, I walked into a DiGi center...
My turn. I told the pretty customer service representative at the desk, "I want to change my EDGE package to unlimited 3G package".
"Did you mean broadband?" She asked.
"No no no. Not DiGi Broadband but DiGi 3G. The one that I can surf internet using my phone," I explained.
"No. You can't do that on your current SIM card, you have to get an USB modem and a different SIM."
I was little furious. Again, the same old story I was told previously.
"Girl, do you have access to your company website? Please go to Now click on 3G. This is what I want!"
She was be at one's wits' end.
After a while to scroll through pages, she called her supervisor for help. Again, he was with the similar reaction like her, but double shot as he was handling a nonsense customer at the next desk who claimed he lost his phone in the center. After a minute or two, my desk went empty...
The pretty lady and supervisor went into the backroom to check further with HQ! Ha! After few minutes of waiting, they came back and apologized to me that this service is too new that they have not been communicated internally, and the lady wanted to explain the package to me.
"No need, I've read the T&C and FAQ. RM48 per month for 12 months and RM58 per month after that. 3GB data size cap and speed will be downgraded if exceed. Anything extra to add?"
"No, sir. Look like you know better. Your 3G service will be activated tomorrow, nothing you need to do but just wait," she smiley replied and I happily left the center.
I continued enjoying the stable performing EDGE network while waiting the new 3G service...
Youtube streaming on EDGE without hiccup.
1 day. 2 day. I was still on EDGE and I started to lose my patience and logged on to D' Chat during lunch hour...

2 hours later, after 2 days, "he", the DiGi 3G service finally followed me...
Not only 3G but HSDPA with its H icon on top left.
But a big sigh. Look like DiGi never or way way way way way to go to improve. I had a bad experience when switched over at DiGi authorized center, so this time I purposely walked into DiGi center expecting a better hassle free plan switch. Unfortunately, the staff did not know the new service, and I needed to re-communicate to get my 3G activated. Do they think it's more than enough to just apologize every time and give empty promises that they would improve, like what's written in the comments of this post and this post? Would customers revisit a stall that serves the best chicken rice in the world when the stall always serves the food with cockroaches as topping? The company badly needs a process improvement manager to oversee the end-to-end customer service and experience. The company may have better customer service than other ISPs, but definitely not a company that warrants good customer experience to its customers. Miserable customer experience I would swear with my blood.
Anyway, I hope I won't be disappointed with the new 3G service.
Oh, if any DiGi personnel reading this, I don't need another "I feel sorry" or "rest assured" type of comments. I have enough from previous post and this round. Just show me and other customers your improvements to have seamless, hassle free and better customer experiences and services if you ever care to improve. If one would comment, I hope is the CEO Mr Johan Dennelind not any ciku giving empty promises. If the CEO is of the same attitude, then no thanks, please let my blog clean from lies.
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