A Starry X'mas

I had a starry X'mas. It's full with stars, somethimg like this...

'Cause I needed to make stars!

First, take a string of ribbon paper (or whatever color paper cut into that shape)...

Fold it into a pentagon shape like this...

Keep on folding until you finish the long paper...

Now, use your finger nail to poke right at the middle of 2 edges. Poke on all 5 middle points...

Done! Only for 1 star! Now repeat the cycle until this jar is filled...

Here come my starry look again...

Easy? You try it you will know.

My guide of course is not detailed enough, check this site for a thorough step-by-step (now only I know it's called Origami star). Depending on who you want to gift, the payback to your effort may be rewarding at the end. So why not? Hehe...

Merry X'mas! Though a belated one.


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