What comes to your mind when you read the title?
If you understand Malay or use Google Translate you learn that bawang is onion...
First thing comes to your mind might be bad breath and fart a lot if eat too much onion. Have you ever thought of using bawang as shampoo? Or even thought of Jackie Chan with bawang?
Yes. Indeed Jackie Chan is linked to bawang. Check this out...
Oh apparently this "Bawang" ain't that "bawang" aka onion, but 霸王 that means bully or despot in Google Translate By the billboard, it's a world leading brand in professional hair darkening and anti hair loss shampoo, and Jackie Chan is the product ambassador...

Does Jackie Chan have bad breath or fart a lot? I wish I am close to him that I would know his habit. Or is he a bully? I do not know but guess not since he is (or was) also the ambassador for HK Police Force. Or maybe he is getting bald??
And if you try to relate this bawang aka onion to this brand "Bawang" via wikipedia, "Doctors were known to prescribe onions to facilitate bowel movements and erections, and also to relieve headaches, coughs, snake bite and hair loss." Oh, bawang aka onion believed to ease hair loss, so it could be a very well thought brand naming. Hehe...
Nevertheless, hopefully I don't need this in my lifetime. And share your experience if you ever use it. :)
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